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A Common Insect Causing Big Problems

Burrower Bugs: A Troubling Peanut Pest

Peanut Burrowers: A Troubling Pest on the Rise

A Common Insect, Causing Big Problems

Peanut burrower bugs, also known as burrower bugs, are a common insect pest that can be found in high numbers, especially in peanut fields. These insects feed on peanut pods, reducing their quality and value. Because peanuts are rated according to federal regulations, a drop in quality can result in significant financial losses for farmers.

A Decade-Long Investigation

For the past 10 years, entomologist Mark Abney has been investigating the impact of burrower bugs on peanut crops. As of 2003, there were 27 cydnid species reported as crop pests, six of which specifically feed on peanuts. Abney's research has focused on developing management strategies to control these pests and minimize their damage to peanut crops.
