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North Korea A Divided Nation

North Korea: A Divided Nation

Historical Economic Growth

After the Korean War, North Korea's GDP per capita was comparable to that of South Korea. However, this growth stalled in the mid-1970s, and the gap between the two countries has widened significantly since then.

Recent Economic Challenges

North Korea's GDP has stagnated in recent years, averaging around $1,179 billion from 1970 to 2019. In 2019, the country's GDP reached a high of $1,800 billion, but it has since declined due to international sanctions and a lack of economic reform.

Key Economic Indicators

North Korea's economy is dominated by heavy industry, and its GDP is primarily derived from mining, manufacturing, and construction. The country's GDP per capita is estimated to be around $1,200, and its life expectancy is 71.1 years. The birth rate in North Korea is 17.5 births per 1,000 people.


North Korea's economic trajectory has been marked by periods of growth and stagnation. Despite its initial economic success, the country has struggled to keep pace with its neighbors in recent decades. The country's economic challenges are compounded by its political isolation and its reliance on a centrally planned economy.
